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Group Concept Mapping

Learn more about the collaborative survey (Group Concept Mapping) about user involvement for the CODIAC conference.

With CODIAC, we aimed to summarize, communicate, and further develop the international, research-based knowledge about the value and impact of user involvement in diabetes prevention, care and research. To do so, we conducted a collaborative survey based on the Group Concept Mapping method.

Highlights from the Group Concept Mapping

Download highlights from the Group Concept Mapping of what is important for user involvement 

About the process

Through Group Concept Mapping, anyone could contribute by:

  • Brainstorming on what is important for user involvement in diabetes prevention, care and research
  • Rating 81 selected statements according to their importance and how often they occur 
  • Sorting the statements into themes.

The 81 statements reflected 338 suggestions that 73 people with diabetes, health professionals and researchers gave during an online brainstorm in Spring 2020. In September and October 2021, all statements were rated by 112 people and sorted by 57.

By taking part in the survey, a total of 195 contributors helped the participants at the CODIAC conference to:

  • Identify gaps between what is important for user involvement and what user involvement is being done in practice
  • Decide on user involvement priorities.
  • Develop recommendations for how user involvement should be done.